Jonathan Pierre
PhD candidate, Université Laval, Landscape 2
Jonathan Pierre is a PhD candidate in forest sciences at Université Laval, where he is researching the integration of ecosystem services and biodiversity values into land use allocation in forested lands. He received his Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Geomatics from Carleton University, with a minor in Environmental Studies, and later completed a joint professional Master's Degree in Applied Sciences in Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems, offered in partnership with UQO, UQAM, and UQAT. In addition, Jonathan has a certificate in wetland characterization from Université Laval. During his graduate studies, he gained practical experience through positions as a research assistant in forest sciences at the University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, a geomatics specialist at the Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development of the Outaouais (CREDDO), and as a geographic information systems analyst at Environment and Climate Change Canada as part of the Federal Student Work Experience Program. His interests include land use planning, ecosystem services mapping, biodiversity conservation management practices, ecological restoration, sustainable development, and environmental geospatial analysis.