The Synthesis Team is responsible for ensuring that the research undertaken within ReNet’s Landscapes and Themes is integrated into a larger understanding of ecosystem services within Canada.
Synthesis Team members develop methods and lead scenario workshops within Landscapes to enable local stakeholders to imagine alternate futures arising from decisions and practices that affect the complex interplay of ecosystems services within their Landscape. Synthesis Team members also work with themes to enable broader thematic learning across many contexts. The Team is also developing a repository of research data collected by ResNet that will be integrated with other existing data to build an Ecosystems Services Observatory System for Canada (ESOS-C). |
This tool will present researchers, governments and policy influencers with a means of understanding and comparing the complex interactions between diverse ecosystems services at various scales. The ultimate objective of ESOS-C is to offer pathways towards balanced and integrated ecosystem services for landscapes across the country.
This team also works on building and exploring novel scenario development methods and road-testing the monitoring and dashboard system for ESON-C.
This team also works on building and exploring novel scenario development methods and road-testing the monitoring and dashboard system for ESON-C.
Envisioning futures of ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation for Québec’s wetlands, agricultural, and urban landscapes
Galang, E.I.N.E., Mendes, P., Harvey, B., Poulin, M., Goyette, J.O., Č
apkun-Huot, C., Turmel-Courchesne, L., Vaillancourt, M., Destrempes, C., Torchio, G.M., Bennett, E., Hickey, G., Province of Québec is home to landscapes where nature’s benefits or ecosystem services support not only economically important activities but the overall well-being of human and non-human (eg, wildlife) communities. Among important landscape elements providing ecosystem services in Québec are wetlands, natural habitats within agricultural landscapes...
Facing the challenges of using place-based social-ecological research to support ecosystem service governance at multiple scales
Bennett, E. M., Morrison, P., Holzer, J. M., Winkler, K. J., Fraser, E. D. G., Green, S. J., … Palen, W.
Place-based social-ecological research is often designed to improve local environmental governance, but it can also inform decisions at larger scales or in other places. However, the focus on local perspectives in such research creates challenges for transferring...
Managing Canada’s land- and seascapes for multiple ecosystem services in the Anthropocene: introduction to the Food, Fiber, Fuel, and Function collection
Bennett, E.M, Fraser, E.D. G & Winkler, K.J.
As the world recovers from the worst ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we assess a “new normal” that will define much of the next decade, many of us hope that we will find...