Susan Preston
Manager of National Biodiversity Policy at Environment and Climate Change Canada
Collaborator, Theme 1
Susan Preston is Manager of National Biodiversity Policy at Environment and Climate Change Canada where she has worked since 2008. Her Post-doctoral (Environmental Anthropology, McMaster), Ph.D. (Environmental Studies/Planning, Waterloo), and Masters research and scholarly publications focused on social and cultural values about nature in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadian communities. She provides expert advice about ecosystem services within the federal government and to international groups, including collaborating for three years as an invited expert member of the Values Taskforce for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), through which she was a contributing author in the guide on multiple values of nature and the Global Assessment. She was the lead author of Canada’s federal, provincial, and territorial governments’ Ecosystem Services Toolkit: Completing and Using Ecosystem Service Assessment for Decision-Making - An Interdisciplinary Toolkit for Managers and Analysts. She also led on the Canadian Nature Survey which measured awareness, participation, and associated expenditures of 24,000 adults across Canada for 30 different nature-based recreation, leisure, education, and volunteer activities. Her team at ECCC is responsible for engaging across the federal government, with provinces and territories, Indigenous organizations, and Canadian society broadly on the development and implementation of Canada’s National Biodiversity Strategy, including domestic goals and targets in response to Global Strategies adopted by Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.